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two thousand seventeen

I literally have like 30 minutes before I have to head into my serving job to open the restaurant. One of my least favourite shifts cause the money is bad and it’s a lot of work with not a lot of reward. The last couple times I’ve gone to frats everyone keeps telling me they thought I quit cause I wasn’t in much the week prior, This did not make me feel good cause really I was just busy at my other job turning hairy bodies into magical smooth dolphins. So I’ll put my time in today. I think Kaylee (my sister) is going to come down to check out my new place after my shift. Hopefully do some girl stuff like get our nails done, eat somewhere super vegan, and I’m convincing her to come to a hot core yoga class with me. (Can you say white girl?)

I was downstairs having my coffee and smoothie that I woke everyone up in the house to make thinking about my bucket list I’ve been composing for the last little while (Check it out here… Kidding, I don’t know how to link shit yet) and I got thinking of how I should make some goals for this year alone. A lot of those things on the bucket list I’m gonna need some more time for. Unless I plan to get pregnant like today and have my self a little sagittarius in late November. Not happening. So with that said, here is a list I’ve come up with in ten minutes of things I’d like to do in 2017.

  1. Have $**,*** in my savings account… You can all take wild guesses at how poor I am. Is it a 10? Is it 90? You’ll never know.

  2. Visit a different continent. The wanderlust is real

  3. Have this writing platform somewhat steady. I honestly still don’t know if I’m ever going to share this, but I do feel good when I write. But I hope at the end of this year I am able to go back and reflect on my entries. Even if it’s just for me.

  4. Take classes. I love learning. I have a heck of a time concentrating but I love bettering my life with new knowledge. I’ve been recently looking into sign language class or adult dance classes to take my back to my glory days (Insert picture of me as an awkward 15 year old in the snow white production)

  5. Upload a youtube video.

  6. Gain a new skill in relation to my career, gain a new skill in my personal life

  7. I want to become more emotionally intellegent

  8. Become more assertive. This obviously is a hard one to measure, but I feel like even within the last few months I’ve found this inner badass I have that is able to stand up for herself and I’d like to keep working in this sassy side.

  9. Have a big mac. Let me explain. I love big macs but I know how horrible they are for you and I’m not even kidding you, I know the exact date of my last big mac. It was on October 30th 2012. I never feel like I deserve a big mac but this year I do.

  10. I want to learn more about mindful meditation

  11. I want to make more phone calls

  12. I want people to know they can call me

  13. I want to have a piece of my writing published

  14. Do as much yoga as I can

  15. I want to take a spontaneous trip

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