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the single status

This is the part where you find out who you are… This part can feel scary, it can feel lonely, it can feel like you are doing everything wrong. But I promise you there is no right or wrong way to do this… You simply got lost. You got lost in him, or in the two of you. You lost the bravery of the little girl who got on the bus on that first day of school, the confidence of the girl at the talent show, You lost the independence of high school graduate who moved away from home all on her own to college 3 hours away. It’s not your fault… It’s not your fault you have a heart that was born to love. You’re heart overflows with compassion and you found an outlet to feed your need to give love. It’s not your fault you fed the wrong soul…

You probably feel scared. Scared to be alone, scared to feel a trigger of a memory that will make you lose your composure in public over a song or a sign. Don’t be scared. You have faced much bigger feats in your life time. You are about to loose someone you love and I get that, but you are going to get to know someone else that deserves more then the love you’ve been giving them. You.

Be you again. Be the girl who travels, the girl who worked her way to the top, the girl who runs, the girl who does yoga, dance on tables, do karaoke, learn topics that interest you, volunteer, climb a mountain, make YOUR list. I can’t stress enough that you need to rediscover your value. Do things that make you happy and the rest will come. Don’t stress about the things you can not control.

Many men will enter and exit your heart… Some will break it into a million pieces and some will leave nothing but a scratch. However, charming or kind or handsome they are do not let them dictate your happiness. Do not let a empty text screen ruin your day. The most handsome, charming, kind guy is going to be the one who choses you. Walk tall with your worth pretty girl and fate will find you. Men are attracted to independent, confident, self-discovering women. Aren’t you attracted to these kinds of men? Or are you more likely to go for the guy waits by his phone for your text, cancels his plans cause he might see you, stalks you on facebook and creeps your pics for spring break 2012… Do you see where I’m going with this? Put your phone down… He can wait. You have priorities and important things to do to. He needs to know this.

I used to find myself awe-ing at cute couples. Pictures of flowers, rings, sweet morning love notes… I use to think that was goals. I now see such strength in single women…Man, I did the coolest stuff of my life while single. I graduated an advanced program, I moved to Muskoka on my own and met my best friends for life, I decided to move to Australia and backpack through Asia… And right in the middle of my bliss, without a second thought I had someone walk into my life. Cause that is how it happens. I wasn’t trying or looking I was following my light and love found me. (Disclaimer: Temporary love, but at 22 that’s totally okay, actually at any age... all good)

Although I know we are all looking for our forever there is no harm in embracing our now. We are twenty-sum and gorgeous. We have so much power in becoming who we want to be. We are educated, we afford our own rent, we do the things we are interested in, we console ourselves when we are down. Do you understand how strong that makes us? Don’t think you're worth less then anybody because your single. Embrace these moments to realize what a bad ass babe you are. Cause before you know it somebody’s going to come sweep you off your feet and you will have already acquired the skills it takes to be a high value, strong partner.

Cuddle with your dog, cuddle with your girlfriends, eat healthy foods, bake vegan desserts, take a dance class, take yourself for coffee, buy a well-being book, spend $30.00 on a lipstick that makes you feel unstoppable. Buy yourself a vodka soda at the bar, Let a cute stranger to buy you a vodka soda at the bar. You have no one to make happy but yourself and it is your duty to make her as happy as you can because I promise that is how your next chapter starts…

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