Hi Hunnies,
Another blog post from my bed, Another Monday off and another day the boy I like did’t text me but you know what… WE ALL GUN BE OKAY. I am here today to teach you 25 things I’ve learned in the past 25 years... I wish I had a mentor of some sort in the last lets say ten years… I’m big sister so it’s really just been trial and error (You're welcome for clearing the path Kaylee). Other then my amazing mom who’s beautiful and wise in her own way but she’s the kind of person who will tell you “You have hair there for a reason…”. I needed some real advice. I need advice from a girl who’s done some crazy shit when it comes to guys, I needed advice from a girl who's made mistakes. I needed advice from the girl who’s pushed her pride to the side and asked for help when she needed it.
Learn to love yourself – GOOD ADVICE JENNA, REAL ORIGINAL. Shut up, I’m not doneeeeee. This takes time, and effort and some days you ain’t gonna, but it’s so important. I could go HAM into this one, but just trust me… This can change your life.
Do whatever the heck makes you happy- This one I promise gets way easier after school when we all start realizing it’s okay to not be like everyone else. It’s actually pretty dope. I’m sure some people think poetry books and online harmonica lessons are pretty lame but I happen to partake in both.
Tell your mom and dad you love them, actually tell anyone you love that you love them.
The things that scare you or are hard are probably exactly what you need.
It’s okay to text him first every now and then. It’s actually good.
Don’t be afraid to be alone.
You’re gonna get drunk and do dumb shit. Apologize to the people who’s nights you ruined but realize that good friends won’t make you feel like a bag-o-dicks for this. But also learn from it. Don’t be that girl.
If he bails last minute on your date, don’t say it’s okay cause it is not. You spent 30 minutes blending your eyeshadow… Take about 2 steps back from this guy and let this flaky shit head make it up to you.
Find a physical activity you don’t loathe.
Don’t eat weed. Just smoke it. Okay well try eating it with your best friends. Good story guaranteed.
It’s okay to ask for help. Don’t overthink this. Don’t over think the price of a therapist or your pride. This is you taking care of you… who happens to be pretty darn important.
Your heart is gonna hurt and you're gonna think it sucks and it’s unfair which it totally could be but its also out of our hands… but I promise you, You will take something from this that will help you later on.
Confidence is sexier then any scandalous urban outfitters bodysuit
Be kind. Nothing bad will ever come out of this. Someone being ungrateful for your kindness is the only thing that might happen, but this will say much more about them then you.
Compliment your friends, compliment strangers, compliment yourself.
Regret nothing as long as you learn from everything.
Learn a skill that makes you feel pretty. Learn to put on falsies, learn to wing your liner, find your shade of red lip stick
Learn to advocate for yourself, Still working on this one but I’ve come a long way.
Let people leave, Let yourself loose the ones who aren’t benefiting your soul. The good ones would never dream of loosing you.
Take yourself on dates.
Read the secret and try to apply it to your life everyday. Radiate positivity and people will notice. You get back from the universe what you put out.
Make friends with as many people as you can. This will network yourself, This will make you kind, this will help you when you need to borrow snow pants, This will open your opportunities in so many ways. It will better you as a conversationalist, it will make you more confident and make you a better friend.
If you’re having a big night of drinking, EAT SOMETHING BEFORE. Cause you will blackout and wakeup as an ugly sloth questioning your existence in the morning.
Travel as far and as wide as you can at any opportunity. Save up for a trip. Not The Grand Rivera Princess Cancun Spa Resort. Push yourself to take a trip outside your comfort zone.
25. It’s not all going to work. You’re going to hit speed bumps, have broken hearts, and you’re going to fail. These are all signs your living, signs your human. Signs your actually on the right track. Nothing good comes easy, and nothing that comes too easy is ever that good
Be patient, be fine, be balanced, be kind.